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Avatar: 7241 2011-07-31 00:42:33 -0400

[i have a thirteen inch male reproductive organ click for proof]

Level 35 Camwhore

Oh whoops, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong

jpsteel Posted:

Thanks to the Sisterhood for setting the bar early and giving us a reason to organize the run. And thanks to all the FoLers who participated but esp. markchd who organized the run and hosted the IRC chat for coordination. I need to go get drunk now after hearding all those cats tonight Log in to see images!

Good job guys. I understand that more members = more scoops, but I also understand how much work goes into these raids, having done two already.

But yeah, I definitely think a cap needs to be put on klan raids. I don’t have much worry about scoops, letter the better man in that category…but like I said, I think it’ll destroy the klan system in the long run.

Bill_Murray_Fan_7383 edited this message on 03/11/2008 11:58PM
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