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Avatar: 15443 2010-04-04 18:27:25 -0400


Level 35 Troll

Sneakily vicious and filled with virtuous pit bulls.


The only glaring issue i see is that it would be an easy way to transfer flezz. Well, maybe not easy, but a method.

Get all the high rollers on the leaderboard to bet all their flezz such that one person ends up with a huge pile. Instant leaderboard peen.

It’d be a pain and time consuming, but we all know people would do it.

If there’s an automatic tax on winnings, this would discourage, but probably not eliminate this. We’d still see flezz farming alts. Block alts from participating in the same contest, and the player would have to pay two successive charges on whatever cash they’re transferring between alts, and a further two charges if they want to do the same again.

As soon as we see any kind of market/transfer mechanism, players are going to start grouping their bumets together. Another bonus for having half a gazillion alts…

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