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Avatar: jasn0_X's Avatar

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”


Rate your participation in the following activities from 1 (never) to 5 (addict).

Collecting E-Peen: 5

Domination: 1

Flamebate: 2

Forumbuildr: 1

IDC: 2


Pwning Forums: 5

How do you enjoy these activities? Rate from 1 (awful) to 5 (perfect).

Collecting E-Peen: 5

Domination: 3

Flamebate: 5

Forumbuildr: 3

IDC: 4


Pwning Forums: 5

Miscellaneous opinions

Rate the following items from 1 (horrible) to 5 (dreamy)

Availability of mods/staff: 4

Balance between clbumes: 3

Community: 5

Interface: 4

Site Performance: 4

Tubmail: 4

Wiki: 4

Final section: two open questions

If you could change one thing about ForumWarz, what would it be?

Not much…its all pretty good. Just wish there was more stuff to do with the brownie points. Something simple like a 30 site visits for 1 BP, temp selective stat boosters for BPs, 1 or 2 upgrade points for a lot of BPs, or some kind of lottery with BPs as the entry fee.

Express your overall opinion of ForumWarz in less then 50 words:

Lots and lots of fun. Very different from other free role playing games out there. The look and feel is unique and fun.

Internet Delay Chat
Have fun playing!
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