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Avatar: Mother and Children

Level 7 Troll

“Jerk Chicken”


was Posted:

Name some low level annoying enemy -God-.



Rick Ashley Posted:

A boss type level. The boss level is just a single room with the single boss in the middle.

The boss will be Rick Astly. The only attacks he has is hand to hand. The only skil he has is called “Rick Roll” When he uses this skill a segment from the song plays.

It starts from the begging and goes to the end in maybe 5 seconds durations? The song itself just stuns you for about 3 seconds afterwards. The catch is, if he gets through the ENTIRE song. Right as he finishes it you recive 99999999 dmg and die.

BirdofPray Posted:

Please don’t **** this thread up with crap suggestions


Big Brother Posted:

How about an enemy who’s special power is that it can delete your save files? You could come up with some sort of reason, like it “eats the threads of time” or something.

do you know what a roguelike is?

SODOMY KING edited this message on 06/15/2008 6:48PM
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