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seanpg71 Posted: Offense only helps when it decreases the number of attacks or amount of your secondary stat that you use to kill a thread. Each point is less likely to do this for a camwhore, because they’re already pretty much going Threat/Vivid/Threat and moving on. If I picked up another point, it would lessen the number of times that I’m only a few pwnage short, so it could save me damage. But since those instances drop my cooldown on Threat by 1, they don’t actually hurt me very much. Also, since Ophelia/Threat is already enough to drop a thread, a point of offense on those ones gives me absolutely nothing.
I think Trolls are potentially more likely to be saved time/attacks by the same % increase in damage. Once again, discrete intervals make the mathcrafting much more complicated than it seems. Leechbait already brought this up in regards to rounding errors; I’d previously accepted that rounding was harmful to low-damage attacks, but it can swing both ways.
seanpg71 Posted:
Because trolls are so variable, they’d still have a **** with this type of forum. Camwhores wouldn’t have much trouble at all – Ophelia 1-shots whenever it’s up, so you take 0 damage, and Pump/Threat/Vivid kills whenever it’s not up. In 4 threads you’d take 8 attacks and heal 1.5-2 attacks of damage. Trolls would still take hits on their Ophelia threads, and I think that alone would decide things. I have absolutely no idea how an Emo would deal with this, I don’t know how they play yet.
evilhamster Posted: With Troll defense you’d only be taking 48 damage, so at least you’d get 1 attack in per XR. You’d still be boned. Sancdar edited this message on 04/22/2008 8:22PM |
Posted On: 04/22/2008 8:20PM | View Sancdar's Profile | # |