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Feature items turning into items turning into items


Avatar: 152207 2011-11-01 00:46:41 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 47 Camwhore

I want to see some real, live poop.



Avatar: 96079 2010-02-05 18:20:27 -0500

[Deth Krew 2010]

Level 44 Hacker

hi this is pcp saying i miss m0x

MC Banhammer Posted:

heads-up: that “while” might turn into months. The item I referred to above showed up after several weeks of Gameplay Tuneup testing, and rollovers were happening every 4 or 6 hours over there…

It’s all good, this character has cheats, my alt is the one I’m actually playing through fairly and leveling for the competitive aspects. I’ll just let it all sit.

EDIT: There’s all the junk I have. If somebody wants to let me know if I’m missing any junk that they feel would be useful for this, let me know Log in to see images! megazeroexe edited this message on 01/22/2010 12:40PM


Avatar: 152207 2011-11-01 00:46:41 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 47 Camwhore

I want to see some real, live poop.


MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

megazeroexe Posted:

It’s all good, this character has cheats

Oh, and for cheaters, no items degrade.

joking! haha. you should see the look on your face.


Avatar: 12369 2010-01-24 16:26:11 -0500


Level 69 Camwhore

Craves Power like it's Crystal Pepsi

MC Banhammer Posted:

Oh, and for cheaters, no items degrade.

joking! haha. you should see the look on your face.



Avatar: 57623 2010-05-29 20:03:09 -0400


Level 69 Troll

Surfing the Tubes

I may have missed it on the first page, but do we get a notification about the changes?

I checked back into my Junk, and my Expired Meds and Used Blow-Up Doll were gone, but I can’t see anything they may have turned into.


Avatar: 83756 2009-10-01 09:57:31 -0400

[Phantasmagoric Spl-

Level 69 Hacker

Making laws and snuggling dark matter.

Drakodan Posted:

I may have missed it on the first page, but do we get a notification about the changes?

I checked back into my Junk, and my Expired Meds and Used Blow-Up Doll were gone, but I can’t see anything they may have turned into.

You sold them at the PPwn Shop with the other junk… ?


Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

There should be some way to autoexclude these items from selection when selling junk…

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

DarkDespair5 Posted:

There should be some way to autoexclude these items from selection when selling junk…

Ummm… No.

That would reveal what they are. If CZ had intended for us to know that easily, they would have just told us.


Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

MC Banhammer Posted:

Ummm… No.

That would reveal what they are. If CZ had intended for us to know that easily, they would have just told us.

Or at least some way to easily exclude items other than manually unchecking them. Every single time.


Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

DarkDespair5 Posted:

Or at least some way to easily exclude items other than manually unchecking them. Every single time.

I could add items to an exclusion list so they’re never sold.


Avatar: 192622 2009-09-24 16:39:01 -0400


Level 69 Re-Re

$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Is that the sound of a GreaseMonkey I hear?


I’m keeping the Blow-Up-Doll for this experiment, although does Junk itself really degrade, or just the Expired Meds?


Avatar: 58104 2015-06-13 23:16:37 -0400

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 48 Camwhore

Celerysteve is better than me in everyway imaginable

MC Banhammer Posted:

Ummm… No.

That would reveal what they are. If CZ had intended for us to know that easily, they would have just told us.

once they change they don’t have to be on the list. its grating to have to deselect them all the time. Then again maybe that is the price you are supposed to pay for the items. i hope its worth the small hbumle

Catt although

Avatar: 46806 2022-11-29 03:06:42 +0000


Level 69 Troll

Last Catt Standing

I’d just like to mention that I held on to 5000+ expired consumables for months, but accidentally sold them some time in the past couple of weeks.


Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

That’s what I’m saying. It’s extremely irritating to have to deselect stuff all the time.

J4zz 4d

Avatar: J4zz 4d's Avatar

[eB4ss1st l0w fr3q -

Level 69 Camwhore

“Venereal Biohazard”

I have a re-re I use to collect junk. All of it. WHy? Well he’s a re-re so collecting crap seemed logical. I’ve got all of ep2 junk collected in this acount and so far nothing has turned into anything useful. I haven’t started ep3 with it though.


Avatar: 72902 2010-02-03 18:45:17 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 51 Troll



When will we get a way to easily save stuff from autoselling, now that we have an excellent autosell feature?

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

I’ll be holding on to my favorite junk item (mine) to see what happens. It’s probably the only one I’ll remember, actually.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Adapt Posted:

its grating to have to deselect them all the time.

Well I do have to remember not to sell my Limited and Valuable Itemâ„¢ all the time, so I might get where you’re coming from.


Avatar: 192622 2009-09-24 16:39:01 -0400


Level 69 Re-Re

$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$

MC Banhammer Posted:

Well I do have to remember not to sell my Limited and Valuable Itemâ„¢ all the time, so I might get where you’re coming from.

I’m really going to be kicking myself if that turns out to be a good item to have bought.

mterek edited this message on 01/24/2010 12:20PM
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