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Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Civil Discussion
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Ban Me For all you whiny ****es


Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 3 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

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Avatar: Ashtray

Level 4 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

luv the way the pic is digitised over her woman's genitals- in case anyone gets offended by a picture of a naked woman's genitals.(while she is taking a watery **** in her own face)


Avatar: Tight Skirt

Level 5 Camwhore

“Like a Virgin”

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Avatar: Ron Paul

Level 10 Troll

“Pain in the ASCII”

****male reproductive organLog in to see images!


Avatar: Siamese Twins Statue

[RPG Codex]

Level 7 Troll

“Jerk Chicken”

This game sux with all the censore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Avatar: Sneakers

[For the lulz]

Level 10 Emo Kid

“Gloomy Gus”

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needs more pr0n


Avatar: Blue Guitar

Level 10 Emo Kid

“Gloomy Gus”

lol u r sriasly a very special idiot


Avatar: Goiter

Level 7 Troll

“Jerk Chicken”

imo ur a fabulous person.


Avatar: Ron Paul

Level 4 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

I fear I’m about to lose what little free time I have left in my life . . .

Oh well. Looks like fun.

fabulous persons.


Avatar: Deformed Child


Level 10 Troll

“Pain in the ASCII”

That tubgirl picture is ****in wrong Log in to see images!

But, the girl sure did like that **** in her face.


Avatar: Nipple Piercing


Level 12 Troll

“Pain in the ASCII”

In my opinion, Guile needs to stop sucking so much Log in to see images!


Avatar: Deformed Child


Level 10 Troll

“Pain in the ASCII”

Rent-a-Retard Posted:

In my opinion, Guile needs to stop sucking so much Log in to see images!

I think you need die. Log in to see images!


Avatar: Crying Statue

Level 17 Emo Kid


oh hai. Ads are preventing me from upgrading my skills. Help?


Avatar: Sad Face

Level 10 Emo Kid

“Gloomy Gus”

Pidgey Posted:

oh hai. Ads are preventing me from upgrading my skills. Help?

Waah… I can’t upgrade. this game is as broken as my soul.

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Avatar: Ashtray

Level 4 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

Pidgey Posted:

oh hai. Ads are preventing me from upgrading my skills. Help?

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Avatar: Sad Face

Level 10 Emo Kid

“Gloomy Gus”

1337Bastard Posted:

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Hey… I find the DVD rewinder to be quite an ingenious invention.


Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 2 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

Imagine the IQ of your children… and then commit suicide

Pygmi edited this message on 03/17/2008 1:54AM


Avatar: Emo Kid Thinking

Level 5 Emo Kid

“Emotionally Stable”

The people who always posts disgusting pics are the ones who end up realizing either they’re gay or a fabulous person


Avatar: Skeleton Smoking


Level 4 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

CurbStompedThatMofo Posted:

The people who always posts disgusting pics are the ones who end up realizing either they’re gay or a fabulous person

Or in serious need of therapy.


Avatar: Deformed Child

Level 4 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

This game is like so awesome, but the forum visit limit is bumtastic Log in to see images!

Internet Delay Chat
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