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Tarman Posted:
Well it’s not impossible to nuke your way through that many scoops bumuming you have friends bumisting in the group. The problem is that for the most part people might try to medal the first couple of weeks but they tend to get discouraged when they aren’t competitive. They often don’t even take the time to convert scoops to bumholes in order to grief the leaders.
Honestly until there is a hard per week cap on vanilla scoops, klan vanilla will dominate the game. In the past Bingebot (who is primarily responsible for endgame design work) seemed to be against further nerfs to vanilla as he liked incorporating a cooperative aspect to the game. However if domination is going to be the big draw for endgames it needs to be more competitive and honestly that means restricting the influence vanilla has on the outcome of each week.
I don’t really mind a reward for cooperative play and honestly good omens and brainfreeze seem to do a decent job restricting leechers from getting free scoops. However I do think it’s unwise to limit the effective pool of domination players to roughly 20 or so players (alts not included). At this point in time even new klans like enjoy are unlikely to be competitive unless they are willing to put in multiple session raids in a given week.
Speaking plainly forumwarz isn’t a MMO, encouraging 10+ hour raids as the current ruleset does simply limits the appeal of the endgame to a ridiculous extent. IMHO this is counterproductive to a new game that is trying to grow it’s userbase rather than maintain a small but dedicated userbase. Considering the steadily shrinking userbase (some of which will be rectified with additional advertising and the release of episode 2)I believe that efforts should be made to make domination more inclusive rather than exclusive.
Posted On: 06/17/2008 11:22AM | View Vuron's Profile | # | ||||||
Vuron Posted: Totally agree, but again I do not want to see a number based cap like antifreeze. A number based cap will seriously shift the game to pure luck – the luck being ‘Ooo, I got a Shield – I win!’ Cap the number of times a character can join a raid in a week (regardless of what klan they happen to be in at the time – seriously we switched klans mid-raid the other night it took all of 3 minutes, so limiting the number of raids a klan can start is only going to have snarky players forming and disbanding klans to work the loophole.), limit scoops to give vanilla only to those controlling a forum – whatever as long as there is still some margin for skill and effort involved. Something like that would also bring a really interesting twist to the idea of counter raiding or raid disruption. If a character can only be in 1 raid a week, they aren’t just going to say “Oh, they are running interference, lets do this later.” – there would be no option later, they must fight it out!
Tarman Posted: Sorry it’s annoying, its totally legit. Both used 12 visits at both of our raids this week. Personally, I would have carded down, to avoid scoop loss, but they might just come out on top since it looks like no one has even attacked them for the past two days. That bracket is actually a great example of the difference between missing a raid. Gamblebot, Velveteen and Squidly were able to make both raids, I was not and have noticeably fewer scoops and cards. It looks to me like the same thing happened to childsnake (could attend all) and em_str (missed some). |
Posted On: 06/17/2008 7:17PM | View scully's Profile | # | ||||||
interesting suggestion skully. It would mean that only 12 people max could get scoops in a raid (or scoop recipients would rotate,) and they’d at least have to be holding an anchor.
people could do more than disrupt raids, they could disrupt specific players by knocking down the forum they hold rather than a forum the clan holds. it would allow for very targeted competition.
I am all for it. |
Posted On: 06/17/2008 9:35PM | Pickled male reproductive organbum... | # | ||||||
Well I think scully’s idea could work depending on how high of overhead that sort of code would generate.
Basically when a klan pwns 12 forums it would need to do a check of currently held forums and then give 1 vanilla to each raider that is currently dominating a forum. If you aren’t on that list of raiders you won’t get a vanilla that set of 12.
Under this system it would be smart to only pwn one forum per person (bumuming you can get 12 members/alts involved) and the individuals pwning the anchor forums (second wife, gfoc, faux, etc) would generally receive the highest reward in any given raid whereas most klans would reserve the high rollover forums for scrub alts.
One problem I see with this system is that your potential maximum number of scoops is almost as high but it’s even less distributed than it is currently. As long as you are consistently pwning only low turnover forums you can in theory still have the same rewards we currently see. Further this sort of system would discourage people from functioning as raid coordinators as they would generally fail to recieve the same benefits they currently do (basically the raid coordinator would have to choose one forum like GFoC as their forum pwned and then focus on counting forums).
Another problem I see is that it still creates the problem of encouraging 10+ hour raids. bumuming roughly 20-30 new forums will come in via episode 2 I think the problem of slow forum turnover will continue to be highly problematic. |
Posted On: 06/18/2008 12:29AM | View Vuron's Profile | # | ||||||
Make those huge stacks of dom cards more vulnerable (plus another kind of shield to defend your card stack, so you have to choose between early game and endgame shields) and bumholes hit a % of scoops on a sliding scale, with the current minimum remaining at 10, but if you’ve got, say, 200 scoops, an bumhole would hit you for, say, 20. |
Posted On: 06/18/2008 10:35AM | View Spot's Profile | # | ||||||
I actually like Spot’s idea. Card that damage opponents’ scoops/cards in a manner proportional to their numbers would make large raids less desirable (but still useful). A Klan might cash in for 100+ scoops on a single raid, but if bumholes are taking about 30 scoops apiece (and maybe a card could be introduced which destroys cards when a player has over a certain amount), they would think twice about rising too high above the competition. |
Posted On: 06/18/2008 9:28PM | View Sir Tasnica's Profile | # | ||||||
I like the sliding scale option as well. I was in a bracket with an alt and literally had to goad the players into bothering and I only had 80ish scoops. I wonder if people just see more than 50 scoops and decide that there is no point? Maybe if they knew they could hit for a bigger percentage or chip at cards they would feel the urge to destroy. Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 06/18/2008 9:37PM | View scully's Profile | # | ||||||
Hm, I just encountered a scenario where I received 5 vanilla scopps for dominating 4 forums, and last time I dominated 4 forums I received 1, did the vanilla output get changed?
Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 06/19/2008 8:33AM | View Death Merchant's Profile | # | ||||||
Death Merchant Posted: |
Posted On: 06/19/2008 8:35AM | View xXx-Fallen_Angel...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Ah yes thank you, I see there is even a notice about it in the domination area now. I don’t foresee that this dom round will be any different than last weeks and I’ll step aside to the raiding klans and focus my attention elsewhere. |
Posted On: 06/19/2008 9:26AM | View Death Merchant's Profile | # | ||||||
Despite Tarman’s recent outbreak of complaints v. Domination in multiple threads, I am not reinstating the “use this thread only” — yet. If other people join his bandwagon of spamming up this forum, I will.
And yes, he was banned for it, under the below proviso. It’s temporary, but hopefully he’ll cool down enough during his vacation. The threads have all been moved to the Closet of Shame.
MC Banhammer Posted:
Posted On: 07/03/2008 12:25AM | View MC Banhammer's Profile | # | ||||||
how about a hard cap per player on how many vanilla scoops they can get between each rollover.
put it high enough that raids are still viable, but low enough that people can still compete.
maybe at 80 scoops or so. thats only 20 cards a day, bumuming you can get together a small raid every day |
Posted On: 07/10/2008 11:40AM | Pickled male reproductive organbum... | # | ||||||
I don’t know if this has been brought up, but how about instead of awarding scoops per player the raid only earns a set amount of scoops, to be divided up at the end of the raid? |
Posted On: 07/12/2008 1:38PM | View Catt although's Profile | # | ||||||
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT – Moved to new thread.. here BINGEBOT 2015 edited this message on 07/23/2008 12:22PM |
Posted On: 07/23/2008 11:55AM | View BINGEBOT 2015's Profile | # | ||||||
Well, that’s certainly exciting! I look forward to seeing what these changes bring.
BINGEBOT 2015 Posted:
Is that worded correctly? Because the way you worded it is how it works now, isn’t it? Do you mean to say that once a raid group takes a forum, that forum, if re-taken, does not count towards a new 12?
Posted On: 07/23/2008 12:00PM | View MC Banhammer's Profile | # | ||||||
MC Banhammer Posted:
Nope, that’s why raids have gotten so out of control… a klan can hold 11 and constantly re-pwn denture for all the scoops they can handle. Thanks to the issue of alts, it’s been pointless, really, for anyone to raid other than ep2beta lately. Brainfreeze pulled off a few of these raids and still got our bumes beat – mostly because ep2beta VASTLY outnumbered us in the higher brackets thanks to having used this method for a few weeks now.
LOVE these changes. LOVE THEM! |
Posted On: 07/23/2008 12:13PM | View spacekadt's Profile | # | ||||||
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