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Ban Me [CLOSED] MOD IDOL: We're looking for the next great Forumwarz moderator!

Patently Chi-
ll Prestidig-

Avatar: 128746 2011-10-09 04:24:59 -0400

[love is a dog from-

Level 69 Troll

Celerysteve is incredible... he is just so... so incredible.

Jalapeno Bootyhole Posted:

Well, adjacent to what I just posted to Crinkz, you’re gonna see a lot of the same themes pop up. Simply, there were a lot of great applicants, and we weren’t looking for holes in your character so much as a strong, proven track record at Forumwarz.

COMMIE, even though I liked your application and personally thought you’d make a strong contender for a Euromod — especially given your previous experience — the concern was that you’re relatively new around these parts. Most of our top applicants have been around for a year, on average, and have earned the trust of their fellow players.

I’m sure you’ll get the chance to do the same. We hope you’ll stick around for a while and keep making waves.

Allright then. I understand completely how my newness would make you reluctant to choose me. Well, I’ll try again next time a mod is needed. Log in to see images!


Avatar: 146808 2012-12-30 22:05:41 -0500

[Deth Krew 2010]

Level 69 Hacker

Scared of death

CrinkzPipe Posted:

I’m fine with making my application public, and the reasons why I wasn’t chosen public.

Log in to see images!

Papa Zito

Avatar: Papa Zito's Avatar

[Disciples of Atrop-

Level 63 Troll

“Flame Retarded”

I’ll say publicly that I applied and wasn’t chosen. Why I wasn’t chosen doesn’t really need to be public since I don’t think anyone cares.

Kudos to JB for a fast tubmail response, and good luck to whoever did get the positions.


Avatar: Old Man and Crying Baby

Level 35 Emo Kid

“Cutty Cutterson”

MC Banhammer Posted:

Sounds like a bad idea to me. I think there’s no good reason to do so, and it would only lead to bumhurt.

IMO if someone privately contacts you and asks why they weren’t chosen, you might want to tell them. But publicly? Bad, bad idea IMO.

There is no reason to think there will be no bumhurt, there will be specially at the people who actually got chosen for mods.

I, for another one, do not care to say that I sent an apply, but I don’t want the reasons to why I wasn’t chosen to be posted on here (because I know the reason was a sucky application Log in to see images!


Avatar: 62524 Fri Dec 26 00:25:59 -0500 2008

Level 35 Emo Kid

“Cutty Cutterson”

Ooooh, I feel like being critiqued.

Tell me why I wasn’t picked :B


Avatar: 36735 2015-06-13 23:04:37 -0400

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 25 Re-Re

Head of the Ministry of Man bumes

Take my critique to the grave, jerk

just kidding about the jerk part, I still love you JB (as much as someone could love their nemesis)


Avatar: 126881 Wed Feb 18 22:28:48 -0500 2009

[Vanity Clan Name]

Level 41 Troll

Goddamn, I'm such a mancamwhore.

I feel like being raped by mods. Tell me the many, many reasons I would fail as a mod here.

Jalapeno Boo-

Avatar: 44 2012-11-06 12:31:55 -0500

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 44 Emo Kid

I had the first bum avatar.

We’re pleased to announce that the new mod team has been revealed! Log in to see images!

Check out the details here!

Jalapeno Boo-

Avatar: 44 2012-11-06 12:31:55 -0500

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 44 Emo Kid

I had the first bum avatar.

Wartooth118 Posted:

I feel like being raped by mods. Tell me the many, many reasons I would fail as a mod here.

Your application was perfectly fine, but it just didn’t really stand out. The fact that none of us really recognized your name meant you’d have to have an especially persuasive app in order to catch our attention. We certainly appreciate your interest, though.


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