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Pr0n NSFW Porn Pic Contest


Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

Edit: 2-4BP up for grabs

As well as the best pic, THE LAST PERSON TO POST* before this contest ends (it may end any time between here and march 31) will get BP.

*that posts a decent porn pic

For a BP, possibly more. Best pic wins.

1. Ideal submissions will be something I haven’t seen before, chicks 18-25 age range, full frontal nudity w/ a sexy or interesting facial expression; penetration or no penetration are both ok.

2. No trolling. Anything disgusting/shock/gross/ugly is considered trolling; may the mods have mercy on your soul. Also you will completely shoot yourself in the foot for this contest.

3. You may make unlimited submissions. However if you just put up a crapload of boring or mediocre porn I will count it against you. If it’s at least somewhat good don’t worry.

4. If you do a pic of yourself w/ proof it will give you a MbumIVE advantage and I will take that into consideration.

5. Contest will end not later than March 31 2009, unless you post something so awesome I have to fap to it right then and there I will close the contest and award you BP.

Celerysteve edited this message on 02/28/2009 8:11PM

DEAD fabulous person

Avatar: 21099 Wed Jul 08 18:09:49 -0400 2009

[Vacation Hideaway]

Level 35 Camwhore


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Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

6. In the event of a tie or it being too close to call — The earlier submission will be declared winner. Waiting till the last minute will put you at a disadvantage.

DEAD fabulous person

Avatar: 21099 Wed Jul 08 18:09:49 -0400 2009

[Vacation Hideaway]

Level 35 Camwhore


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DEAD fabulous person

Avatar: 21099 Wed Jul 08 18:09:49 -0400 2009

[Vacation Hideaway]

Level 35 Camwhore


Btw, I have more images available of either of these ladies should you request so. Maybe I’ll post more later, right now I’m just trying to get things started.


Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

This is a p good start I guess. I just purchased more BP’s (check the peen if you don’t believe me). I may give out up to 4 BP’s to the winner. I have no problem giving out all of them out… but I don’t want to be obligated by TOXX if this contest tanks. I SWEAR, I’m not trying to be stingy, but I want the right to reserve the other 3 if this thread fails to deliver.

So we’ll say depending on my mood at the outcome of this thread:

If I’m Log in to see images! winner get’s 1BP

If I’m Log in to see images! winner get’s 2BP

If I’m Log in to see images! winner get’s 3BP

If I’m Log in to see images! winner get’s 4BP


Avatar: Abstract Blue Circle

Level 25 Hacker


what if you are Log in to see images!


Avatar: Crying Painting

[ZeeBests Klan of F-

Level 21 Emo Kid

“Moan-a Lisa”

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Tried resizing it, made it look pixelated.


Avatar: 122825 Mon Feb 16 13:17:09 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll


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Log in to see images! StrayNeko edited this message on 02/22/2009 6:07PM

Miss Prince

Avatar: Siamese Twins Statue

[The House of Badfic]

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

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Neckwear and garter belt, mmm. Also, that’s some interesting pubic hair *headtilt*


Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

ZeeBest Posted:

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Tried resizing it, made it look pixelated.

Don’t bother posting anything that small srs.

And StrayNeko that’s p niiice, you should post more of her.


Avatar: 122825 Mon Feb 16 13:17:09 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll


More of girl #1

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Avatar: 122825 Mon Feb 16 13:17:09 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll


and no idea who the 2nd one was but here are 2 more decent ones from the set

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Avatar: 122825 Mon Feb 16 13:17:09 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll


damn all in the eyes

Log in to see images! StrayNeko edited this message on 02/22/2009 6:39PM


Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

StrayNeko Posted:

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Very good example. Best pic so far maybe. I mean this artsy soft core stuff is ok, but I prefer dirty filthy disgusting smut. Not necessarily like a **** covered in great times with a gaping bumhole with the word “pig” on her forehead, that’s a little much, but close to it. Think Playboy girls in Hustler poses and you can do no wrong.

Also shaved woman's genitals, black chicks, Indian chicks, emo chicks, cosplay are all good things but don’t limit yourself to that.


Avatar: 121191 Wed Mar 18 08:50:56 -0400 2009

[Board of Directors]

Level 30 Camwhore

The Cats Pajamas

StrayNeko Posted:

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Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games. Log in to see images!


Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

Here’s a good a example post. Write this down:

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Great post Celerysteve. You are a doer of great deeds.


Avatar: 122825 Mon Feb 16 13:17:09 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll


Hmm any better? went off tangent a bit. (what I do for bp Log in to see images!

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Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

Strayneko, meh, hit and miss. A couple are p good. I won’t fault you for trying.

If you had posted this:

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It would have been better.


Avatar: 122825 Mon Feb 16 13:17:09 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll


Well I did find this

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