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Pumpkin Newbie looking for klan


Avatar: Boobs

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”


I started playing forumwarz after reading a small review about it in a windows magazine, about 3 days ago.

Needless to say I’m completely ignorant of the finer game mechanics and its multiplayer aspect, hence I’m looking for a friendly (and patient) group of players interested in filling their ranks.

Thanks in advance

The Biscuit -

Avatar: 97122 Wed Jan 28 02:18:59 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll

Raping The Gingerbread Man since 1992.

My Klan has one person in it; it’s because I’m really cool. Don’t join it though, it sucks.

And welcome to Forumwarz!

Nameless2 Posted:

Edit: The Biscuit Kid has been kicked due to his behavior in IDC.

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Avatar: 19712 Thu Mar 26 21:15:20 -0400 2009


Level 69 Troll

Causing Jealousy On The Internet On A Daily Basis.

Well, there is no reason you should join my klan, since it is only as a distraction because the drama llama got up and rear ended me. There are a couple other klans that will invite you now, and if you join then everyone will think you are a f’n moron(and they’d be correct.)

Don’t join anything that has to do with any number of vibrating things. Don’t join a klan that has any “cuss” words in the title. Don’t join ny klan that is based on something they think is a wiki but it’s only for kids.

Use common sense, you want to join a klan that has your interests at heart. You did not say what that might be so I can’t give you a recommendation but if you tell us about yourself and what you are looking for from forumwarz, myself or someone else will certainly like to help you in the right direction.



Avatar: Boobs

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”

Hm, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘what are your interests’...

As I said, until now I have only seen the single player aspect of the game, and I think everyone knows that since it’s story driven, personal preferences don’t play a big role. I don’t really know how multiplayer works here

I don’t know if this helps, but until a short while ago I played eve online, which is a mmo, and there I liked the support roles

Extra edited this message on 01/23/2009 8:33AM


Avatar: 50390 Tue May 26 17:55:44 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll


we here at klan **** you dont like noobs, nor do we usually accept noobs, so, good luck.

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The Biscuit -

Avatar: 97122 Wed Jan 28 02:18:59 -0500 2009

Level 35 Troll

Raping The Gingerbread Man since 1992.

Hmm. Are you a fellow Britfabulous person?

Nameless2 Posted:

Edit: The Biscuit Kid has been kicked due to his behavior in IDC.

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Avatar: 60995 Fri Apr 03 12:59:05 -0400 2009

[Shii is gay]

Level 35 Troll

also wow i have no male reproductive organ

noobs should stay in ED

Fook mi

Avatar: 38190 Sat Jan 17 06:06:58 -0500 2009

[International Comm-
ittee of Doctors

Level 69 Camwhore

“Venereal Biohazard”

Have you heard of Encyclopedia Dramatica?

We are always looking for fellow low lifes.


Inertia beat me to it.

Fook mi edited this message on 01/23/2009 8:39AM


Avatar: 19712 Thu Mar 26 21:15:20 -0400 2009


Level 69 Troll

Causing Jealousy On The Internet On A Daily Basis.

Extra Posted:

Hm, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘what are your interests’...

As I said, until now I have only seen the single player aspect of the game, and I think everyone knows that since it’s story driven, personal preferences don’t play a big role. I don’t really know how multiplayer works here

I don’t know if this helps, but until a short while ago I played eve online, which is a mmo, and there I liked the support roles

Play a week. I don’t want to ruin anything.

why dont you go and poop on youre dog and then lick the poop and hten die of dysintery and no one cares aobut you so noone notices youre not at work then your dog starts to eat your genitalas

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Avatar: Boobs

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”

I mean I don’t really grasp what’s the benefit of being in a klan either.

That’s how bad I am at this game. For now at least Log in to see images!

ugh ive never seen such a farking nooblord just get the hell out b4 I tile yo grout

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Meche Colomar

Avatar: 99290 2009-12-21 18:28:03 -0500

Level 20 Emo Kid

“Moan-a Lisa”


Meche Colomar edited this message on 12/21/2009 5:30PM


Avatar: 108871 Thu Jan 22 23:41:37 -0500 2009

Level 10 Permanoob



Ascotey edited this message on 12/21/2009 5:31PM


Avatar: 70433 2014-06-07 22:10:47 -0400

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 60 Hacker

Ask me about how many male reproductive organs in my bum :zak:


Bandaney edited this message on 12/21/2009 5:32PM

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Avatar: 100717 Thu Jan 22 23:43:02 -0500 2009

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 14 Camwhore

“Attention Slut”


Scarfey edited this message on 12/21/2009 5:31PM

wow u just trumped that nooblet with your fabulous personery. stop posting forever seriously

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Avatar: 70433 2014-06-07 22:10:47 -0400

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 60 Hacker

Ask me about how many male reproductive organs in my bum :zak:

1337xxxlolololxxx1337 Posted:

wow u just trumped that nooblet with your fabulous personery. stop posting forever seriously

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u should be embarbumed

u should trim youre fingernails but you get the side of one to low and yuo can’t get it with the clippers and it gets all red an swollen for a few days

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Avatar: Boobs

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”

Kerchiefey Posted:

excepting for ED and 7VD, you can apply for one of those (at your own risk). When you level up and have spent more time at the game, you can decide on a better klan that suits your interests better.

(Very cool).

Hehe I sure did get your point on what are the requisites for joining ggm, but are there also risks involved if I join the clans you mentioned before ?

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