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Business Domination Enhancements Thread

The_Beaten G-

Avatar: 46168 Sat Jul 04 06:24:00 -0400 2009

[Klan Apathy]

Level 69 Troll

I'm not sure about all this spanking business but I do hate to see a child go unbeaten.

Amasius: Safe not Save(x5). Go back and edit that, it is hurting my eyes.


Avatar: 21158 2015-06-13 23:07:57 -0400


Level 69 Troll

OMFG! It is MY bum!

The_Steel_Cretin Posted:

Amasius: Safe not Save(x5). Go back and edit that, it is hurting my eyes.

Dammit, done.


Avatar: 15443 2010-04-04 18:27:25 -0400


Level 35 Troll

Sneakily vicious and filled with virtuous pit bulls.

Only ones I have a comment on are pistachio and chocolate. I’d favour a cap on pistachio at 20. It would have to be addressed at the same time as chocolate though, since at least in the top brackets we have players who are dependant heavily on chocolate, and it can take multiple players dedicated to destruction to keep them in check. bumhole buff has mitigated that somewhat, but without chocolate that means the bracket can be effectively zeroed.

So, nerf pistachio to 20. Limit chocolate to your first X submissions that week (any after that do not earn) I’m tempted to say an absolute cap on chocolate earnings as well, but make it generous/a very high target. And nerf bumhole a little as well. Everything should stay in balance, with the advantage that players can compete more than once every 3/4 weeks when their pistachio loop hits its peak.

DEAD fabulous person

Avatar: 21099 Wed Jul 08 18:09:49 -0400 2009

[Vacation Hideaway]

Level 35 Camwhore


I’ve advocated a cap on FB subs since time immemorial. The cred cap is a reasonably attainable goal, so should the max FB sub level be. If I do well in speeding (and I do) I don’t get uncapped extra opportunities for Lemon Scoops. If someone does well at the buildr thing there should also be a cap on that.

Also the influx of new users and the disregarding of downvotes means a middling FB sub that hovers just above the -5 limit is a steady source of scoops that new players cannot compete with.


Avatar: 60995 Fri Apr 03 12:59:05 -0400 2009

[Shii is gay]

Level 35 Troll

also wow i have no male reproductive organ

Amasius Posted:


70 – 80 scoops per week (theoretically it’s also possible to get some scoops by committing suicide in battle but that’s not a realistic option because that would prevent you from getting much more lemon, pisachio and vanilla scoops; it would also break your pistachio streak. A raise to 8 scoops for martyring 3 times is pointless)

It’s not pointless! maybe for you it’s useless but for a low level rere in the bottom bracket it’s alright and it actually make a lot of sense too!

Also the scoops you get from martyring in contained in the 10 antifreeze per day limit.

amasius Posted:


Conclusion: chocolate scoops can be gained by playing INCIT and Forumbuildr. The scoops won by playing INCIT are to few, you’d have to play almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get enough chocolates to be relevant in the higher brackets. It should be raised to 2 or 3 scoops per win. This might also convince some INCIT players to start playing domination.

Forumbuildr on the other hand is unbalanced because the number of submissions isn’t capped and decent players who submit for every new forum get two more submissions every week. This gives players who started early an unfair advantage, some players have already more than 80 submission per week and while it is hard to come up with enough successful ideas this can result in hundreds of scoops. The number of submissions should be limited to 20 per alt.

YES PLEASE I want to see more relevant people and less noobs playing Incit


The slow internet people are heavily disadvantaged. Well if I could be so daring to suggest it, remove lemon and replace it with a new flavour! I’d like to see that


sort of agree although it will be harder for me..


I miss Klan raids bring them back pls.


Avatar: Turtle Head

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 69 Troll

“Human Yeast Infection”


Prussia edited this message on 03/12/2009 3:49AM


Avatar: 97127 Tue Jan 06 09:47:16 -0500 2009

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 69 Troll


After reading this thread, it makes me laugh to see which players are calling for “nerfs.”

We’ve got people who suck at or never bothered with formbuildr wanting to nerf chocolate, probably because they got put in a bracket with plk. Nevermind that she can’t win a single trophy, since the major factor in who wins at Dom is which klan has more members in a bracket, since destruction is so powerful now.

We’ve got people with slow connections wanting yellow nerfed.

We’ve got people who hate losing deciding that green is too powerful because someone might have a better position in a streak than they do. Nevermind that streaks are a great incentive to visit and see all the content in all the forums, or that it’s one of the few strategic aspects of Dom, where spy intelligence and tracking where other people are in their streaks is incentivized.

We’ve got people who’ve already effectively had White nerfed into the ground because they were, for a long time, losing at Dom because of raiding.

Why is “nerfing” always the solution? If we implemented all the proposed nerfs, we’d all be communist little bastards who’d only be getting about 300 scoops max, regardless of how much time and dedication one has put into the game, in an entire Dom week. With so much destruction, one single person could wipe out your progress easily. Not exactly hard if, by the luck of the draw, you or your klan happens to have one less player in the bracket, or someone just randomly decides to hate you.

Bracket placement (alts, klans and enemies) is the single most unbalancing aspect of Dom, but nobody really gives a **** because 90% of the committed Dom players are a few select klans, many of which act as if they’re the same one.

The fact that being on at the last hour of Dom ending is the second most unbalancing aspect of Dom, as it’s one of the only ways to avoid gang-enjoy caused by the overpowered destruction, also seems to be okay, because a majority of the most vocal and obsessed players are American and/or don’t have jobs/lives and will always manage to be around. But that must not be a big problem to push for, because if that tiny minority can win under a system, it’s not a big deal to mention in anything other than pbuming.

Basically, things only seem to be a problem if they’re causing people to lose.

It’s important to balance sources of scoops so that a few of the major play styles have a roughly equal chance.

It’s important to balance scoops vs destruction.

It’s important to design Dom in a way that rewards long-term dedication and contribution to the game.

It’s important to design the game in a way that gives people incentive to look at the content.

It’s important to consider that not everyone can be online at certain times.

It’s important to make there be reward for being in a Klan and using teamwork and team strategy.

It’s important, also, to not bow so much to individual styles and preferences that the objectives and rewards are so diverse and scattered, that nobody really cares about the same thing anymore. Give a trophy for a hundred different things, and suddenly nobody really cares to compete anymore, since the achievements are devalued.

Nerfs are not the only way to balance things. An additive approach is generally more fun and rewarding. Things should be a problem because they’re illogical, not just because they happen to be ****ing off a certain clbum or group of player who basically wants to eliminate all competition by whining it into oblivion.

Many things in this game need to be tinkered with, with a spirit of experimentation and unbiased logic. With the goals being to keep people playing and getting more to do so… not to please the obsessed and entrenched.


Bashy edited this message on 03/12/2009 4:01AM


Avatar: 60995 Fri Apr 03 12:59:05 -0400 2009

[Shii is gay]

Level 35 Troll

also wow i have no male reproductive organ

Yeah you should create a new flavour of scoops that can only be gained through effort and time, and has no cap. So you’ll be actually rewarding effort. The closest thing to that right now is Incit..but it is so lame


Avatar: 72902 2010-02-03 18:45:17 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 51 Troll


I agree with bashy in that it’s time to stop thinking in nerfs. There’s been enough serious nerfs that now Dom is essentially a solo game. It’s still strategic enough that there’s still room to excel, but it’s time to stop letting the losing majority dictate policy direction because they don’t like losing.

Plk has had the grace not to complain even though, perhaps more than almost anyone else around, she has right to since she’s gotten pummeled out of medals for the last three or four weeks and has lost mostly because brainfreeze and GGM have teamed up against her, and I respect that.

Anyway, bottom line, no more nerfs unless a large portion of winning players call for them. Dom isn’t meant to be random.


Avatar: 38 2010-12-05 22:39:25 -0500

Level 12 Troll


meeeeeeeeee Posted:

So, nerf pistachio to 20. Limit chocolate to your first X submissions that week (any after that do not earn) I’m tempted to say an absolute cap on chocolate earnings as well, but make it generous/a very high target. And nerf bumhole a little as well. Everything should stay in balance, with the advantage that players can compete more than once every 3/4 weeks when their pistachio loop hits its peak.

I’ve considered this and will continue to do so. I think that my aim is to allow the ability to earn the same (or around the same) number of scoops by each flava per day. But to have virtual caps on each type.


Avatar: 38 2010-12-05 22:39:25 -0500

Level 12 Troll


I would also agree with Bashy.

Nerfs are only put in place to keep the number of scoops earned by a certain type in a given period roughly even. That being said if you put more effort in, you’ll get more scoops because I’d like the virtual maxes to be almost unattainable such that a single user can’t possibly get the virtual max of all scoop types every day. But I agree, nerfs are not good, I don’t like doing them, and traditionally I am forced to do them because players exploit holes.

I am in the progress of revamping several elements of Dom including Lemon Scoops and Klan warfare, I think there’s a better way to do Raiding and increase Klan warfare generally. But until it has been defined and built the caps will remain to reduce exploits.

Bashy, if you want to be part of the design process TM me and I’ll gladly share my thoughts with you.


BINGEBOT 2015 edited this message on 03/12/2009 10:42AM


Avatar: 48966 2011-07-31 19:36:53 -0400

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 69 Camwhore

Qui est cette chienne

Bashy Posted:

The fact that being on at the last hour of Dom ending is the second most unbalancing aspect of Dom, as it’s one of the only ways to avoid gang-enjoy caused by the overpowered destruction, also seems to be okay, because a majority of the most vocal and obsessed players are American and/or don’t have jobs/lives and will always manage to be around. But that must not be a big problem to push for, because if that tiny minority can win under a system, it’s not a big deal to mention in anything other than pbuming.

Bashy Posted:

It’s important to consider that not everyone can be online at certain times.

signed so many times. And tell me why aforementioned… Log in to see images!

BINGEBOT 2015 Posted:

Every week Domination End time rotates 9pm, 3am, 9am, 3pm EST

Log in to see images! ...haven’t got into the “final” list?

BINGEBOT 2015 Posted:

Major enhancements include:

– New Destruction Medal

– New Lemon scoop mechanism

– New Klan scoop strategies


Avatar: 38 2010-12-05 22:39:25 -0500

Level 12 Troll


Inconnu Posted:

...haven’t got into the “final” list?

Updated post.. it wasn’t a literal “THIS IS ALL WE’RE DOING”, thus the word “including”.


Avatar: 21158 2015-06-13 23:07:57 -0400


Level 69 Troll

OMFG! It is MY bum!

Bashy Posted:

After reading this thread, it makes me laugh to see which players are calling for “nerfs.”

We’ve got people who suck at or never bothered with formbuildr wanting to nerf chocolate, probably because they got put in a bracket with plk. Nevermind that she can’t win a single trophy, since the major factor in who wins at Dom is which klan has more members in a bracket, since destruction is so powerful now.

Eh? I have most Forumbuildr peens and am still on the first page of the buildr leaderboard despite having not submitted anything in months. Also I have suggested that INCIT should give more chocolate scoops and I never play INCIT. 20 submissions would still be a lot, 80+ is ridiculous. Also plk won a medal not long ago. My argument for limiting the number of submissions for Forumbuildr was that the status quo disadvantages new players heavily. What’s your argument?


Bashy Posted:

We’ve got people with slow connections wanting yellow nerfed.

Who ever asked to nerf lemon scoops? Back your claims up please.


Bashy Posted:

We’ve got people who hate losing deciding that green is too powerful because someone might have a better position in a streak than they do. Nevermind that streaks are a great incentive to visit and see all the content in all the forums, or that it’s one of the few strategic aspects of Dom, where spy intelligence and tracking where other people are in their streaks is incentivized.

If you run a streak to get pistachio scoops for dom you also speedrun them for lemons so you don’t see the content of the forums. I agree that tracking where other players are in their streak adds strategy, that’s why I do it, but it’s bad game design if you can only play every third, or in a few months every fourth week with a realistic chance to win a medal in the higher brackets. A high streak should give an advantage but not exclude all who just started a new streak.


Bashy Posted:

Why is “nerfing” always the solution?

Bashy Posted:

... overpowered destruction…

So you are against nerfs but want to nerf destruction, hm? Not that I disagree, bumholes are to strong atm. Raising the power of the bumhole card was kinda justified to have a weapon against overpowered raids but 1. why can you play them at every time and not only if you have less than 4 scoops like it was in the early days of domination before bumholes were nerfed. 2. Killing raids shortly after the strengthening of bumholes wasn’t the wisest thing to do but why do you blame players for that?


Bashy Posted:

If we implemented all the proposed nerfs, we’d all be communist little bastards who’d only be getting about 300 scoops max, regardless of how much time and dedication one has put into the game, in an entire Dom week. With so much destruction, one single person could wipe out your progress easily.

You realise that this single person would also have less scoops to play destruction with and you can only bumhole people who are in the lead, do you?


Bashy Posted:

Nerfs are not the only way to balance things.

My intention was to make some suggestions to rebalance scoops. If some flavours are considerably stronger than others you can either boost the weak ones or nerf the strong ones. I’m in favour of nerfing the strong flavours for a simple reason: the game is basically unplayable in the last hours before the dom round ends due to the lag and that’s probably because of all the cards that are played, so fewer scoops might lessen the problem, at least it wouldn’t make it worse.


Bashy Posted:

Bracket placement (alts, klans and enemies) is the single most unbalancing aspect of Dom, but nobody really gives a **** because 90% of the committed Dom players are a few select klans, many of which act as if they’re the same one.

Bracket placement is new every week and while you might be one week in a hostile bracket next week everything is different. It’s still possible though that a player has two alts in the same bracket and that has to be fixed. Even more important is the real problem with brackets: the empty brackets with only a few, sometimes even only one player in them so that medals are guaranteed. That’s ridiculous.


Bashy Posted:

The fact that being on at the last hour of Dom ending is the second most unbalancing aspect of Dom, as it’s one of the only ways to avoid gang-enjoy caused by the overpowered destruction

Hey, I agree – it would be great if people who don’t have time when the dom round ends could compete. That’s why I think a destruction medal would be a great addition to the game. It wouldn’t fix the problem entirely but the best time to play destruction is within the week because most players who get enough scoops to be in bumhole range are also experienced enough to equip their shields only shortly before the round ends and it’s obviously more effective to play destro when no shields are equipped. A destruction medal would also be great for unklanned players who don’t have to be considerate of klanies. Of course that wouldn’t really solve the problem but at least it would offer an altervative.


Avatar: 16186 2011-11-01 00:02:40 -0400


Level 69 Camwhore


Fortunato Posted:

Plk has had the grace not to complain even though, perhaps more than almost anyone else around, she has right to since she’s gotten pummeled out of medals for the last three or four weeks and has lost mostly because brainfreeze and GGM have teamed up against her, and I respect that.

While I see where you’re coming from and can *almost* agree, I see it as “payback” for a season and a half of the tables being the other way around. Dom is one of those games where you have to be able to take what you give.

(And I’m not singling out plk with this… it’s BoD, not player, specific)


Avatar: 119206 2010-03-02 23:21:21 -0500

[Island of Avalon]

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

I have an idea.

How about when we vist the DOM page, our character shows up at the top?


Avatar: 78885 2011-11-01 01:20:41 -0400

[Cabal Gamez]

Level 69 Hacker

Richard Whittington

As far as moving around the time of day that Domination ends, why not actually have it as a choice for your characters? You select which alts you play Domination with, so at that screen, have people select what time of day (in 6 hour intervals) they want Dom to end at and divvy up the brackets by time of day as well.

This way,

1 – It’s not shifting so you don’t have to keep track of it.

2 – Since you can choose the time, it ought not interfere with people’s work schedules.

3 – You can actually pay attention to different alts since you don’t have 5 happening at once.

4 – The server isn’t being swarmed all at once, but throughout the day which might help speed up gameplay in those last hours.

The major obvious potential problem that I see of course is that if one time of the day isn’t being used much for some reason, people there may have an easier go of things, but tha can be averted somewhat by cleverly messing around with the bracket sizes and quantities. Hell people could change time of day to avoid enemies Log in to see images!.

To see what times of the day people would use I’m going to start a poll thread so we can get a bit of a sample for how it would divide up.


Avatar: 68330 Mon Oct 20 12:55:13 -0400 2008


Level 30 Permanoob


xX_73h_1337_m0d3r470r_Xx Posted:

As far as moving around the time of day that Domination ends, why not actually have it as a choice for your characters? You select which alts you play Domination with, so at that screen, have people select what time of day (in 6 hour intervals) they want Dom to end at and divvy up the brackets by time of day as well…

They did a theme where the Domination round end was secret (Russian Roulette).


– No server lag

– You don’t have to be on the site at a given time

– Change in strategy, Dom becomes more of a game about conservation and planning rather than hoarding and bashing players at X time


– You can’t plan for a last minute end run

IMO the better choice is random end time every Wednesday… Discuss Log in to see images!

Asian Rapini

Avatar: Code (Blue)

Level 26 Hacker


Going along with this topic, now that itembuildr awards Log in to see images! like forumbuildr, i seem to be suddenly submerged in chocolate:

Log in to see images!

19 to date and its been less than 24 hours.

am i the exception or the rule?

EDIT: nevermind, no one else in my bracket has more than one or 2 chocolates, looks like i just had a good submission. now i look like a conceited prick, would a mod delete this?

Asian Rapini edited this message on 03/19/2009 7:52PM


Avatar: 78885 2011-11-01 01:20:41 -0400

[Cabal Gamez]

Level 69 Hacker

Richard Whittington

Random ending can also lead to a bit less strategy for end game, but since everyone uses the same strategy anyways, it’s kind of irrelevant. I vote for random as well Log in to see images!

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