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TV Do you have what it takes? Survivor: ForumWarz! 100BP + exclusive peen

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

This was the first individual immunity challenge:

Now that you’re settled in, it’s time for your first INDIVIDUAL immunity challenge!

I would like to decorate the klan profile page with more than just the Survivor: ForumWarz logo. So your task is to create a flag representing your new tribe. The flag should include the names of all tribe members and whatever you think best represents your new tribe’s name. Since not everyone’s an artist, all submissions must be plain text, but when a winner is chosen I’d like those of you with artistic talent to take a stab at making a picture of the winning flag.

While you’re at it, I’d like each of you to choose three different items from a new box like the one you used previously. (For purposes of the challenge bumume you as an individual can pick any three items you want, even if someone else has already picked one or more of them.) See if you can create a comfortable piece of furniture from those three items. Just for you, be selfish, no need to make the whole tribe comfortable. Again, text description only, but it’ll be nice to get images for all of them too eventually.

Once you’ve got both of those done, TM the text descriptions to me. I’ll run them by the judges separately (no link between the flag and the furniture) and ask them to rank them from 1-11. Then I’ll add up their rankings for each of your submissions (as individuals). The one with the lowest sum wins immunity. (So 6 is the best possible score, 66 is the worst.) That person will be safe from the vote at the next tribal council, but one of the rest of you will be going home.

Oh, and in case of a tie, the person whose flag score is the lowest (best) will win. I suppose it’s mathematically possible there could be a tie at that point too but I think the odds are so slim I haven’t come up with another tiebreaker yet. I’m willing to take suggestions.

You have until Sunday at 11 am (server time, natch) to get me your submissions. If you only turn in one submission, you get an automatic 11 from every judge for the submission you did not turn in. If you don’t turn in any submissions, you’ll be “medically evacuated”.

Oh, and I have a little something else for the winner whose flag score is the lowest (best). Tiebreaker there would be lowest (best) furniture score.

man-man had the best overall score and won immunity. plk had the best flag score and won the reward. That flag is now available for viewing on the klan profile page (I’m still hoping for an image of it though). I will be posting each person’s furniture on that page as well, as time permits.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

And, since in the real show, no members of the jury get to know any more about the challenges than they can glean from tribal council — that’s the last challenge I’m going to publicly publish until after the final tribal council. Sorry, viewers!

But you can pre-order the complete “Survivor: ForumWarz — The Complete Series” for the low low price of only 25BP*! Operators are standing by.

*No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Tribal Council Begins

Everyone grabs their bumes. You can see swine wearing the immunity necklace.

Now we’ll bring in our Jury: Fran, voted out at the last tribal council. Jury, I’ll remind you that you’re not supposed to talk to the players, you’re here only to listen. I would ask the same from the viewers; please don’t interject your own comments which could interfere with how the game is played, and remember this is a non-trolling contest.

Okay tribe, let’s get to it.

So Jimmy: You totally blew the order of the forums in the first round. Was that a strategic move to make you look weak, or are you really that much of a re-re?

man-man, you said you didn’t convert your times properly, and so didn’t show up to the challenge when you were supposed to. In previous tribal councils the non-participants were voted out. Do you think your lack of participation will hurt you like it used to, or make you seem like less of a threat and keep you safe tonight?

Same basic question to bumonz.

Crazy_Smurf, you’re experimenting with a new posting style which makes your posts, y’know, understandable. Was that change due to a fear of being voted off for inane babble, or just because you finally felt like you had something important to say?

spacey, at the last tribal council you were one vote shy from potentially going home. Does it make you a little nervous, seeing the immunity necklace around someone else’s neck tonight?

Everyone else (and the ones I asked specifically about as well): Last week’s vote pretty much went down old tribal lines. Are those lines still as strong, or do you see places where they might be weakening?

Tribal council will not conclude until 5pm tomorrow, or potentially when I get all the votes. Don’t forget to pre-emptively send me a vote if you don’t think you’re not going to be around at 5 tomorrow; it would suck to send one of you home just because you didn’t vote. But I’ll do it if I have to.


Avatar: 16186 2011-11-01 00:02:40 -0400


Level 69 Camwhore


MC Banhammer Posted:

spacey, at the last tribal council you were one vote shy from potentially going home. Does it make you a little nervous, seeing the immunity necklace around someone else’s neck tonight?

Two votes Log in to see images!

And yeah, I had rather hoped to have immunity this time around, but not having it doesn’t really change my strategy. There were some different thoughts going into this tribal council that were going to depend on who was wearing that necklace, but I’m glad to see one of my old tribe mates wearing it.

To be 100% honest, I’m more worried about any hidden immunity idols that may or may not have been found.

MC Banhammer Posted:

Everyone else (and the ones I asked specifically about as well): Last week’s vote pretty much went down old tribal lines. Are those lines still as strong, or do you see places where they might be weakening?

I think it would be stupid of any of us to bumume that alliances are 100% strong and that there’s zero danger of someone flipping on you, but I think the old TGOT is still pretty cohesive.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

spacekadt Posted:

Two votes

One vote. If one of the Fran votes swung your way, we would have had a tie and you potentially could have gone home.


Avatar: 156485 2010-01-24 16:36:14 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

Selfish fine upstanding member of society

MC Banhammer Posted:

man-man, you said you didn’t convert your times properly, and so didn’t show up to the challenge when you were supposed to. In previous tribal councils the non-participants were voted out. Do you think your lack of participation will hurt you like it used to, or make you seem like less of a threat and keep you safe tonight?

I don’t think I’ve ever successfully threatened anyone…

Nonparticipants got the axe before because the team depended on them and they let the side down. Now there’s no reason why anyone would care.

On a related matter, I think I’m slowly losing the will to care. Got other things going on now, and the odds of being in much longer look unfavourable. Me getting voted out now might be the easiest thing for all concerned really.

man-man edited this message on 04/21/2010 5:34PM


Avatar: 226503 2010-03-04 22:50:54 -0500

Level 69 Permanoob


MC Banhammer Posted:

Crazy_Smurf, you’re experimenting with a new posting style which makes your posts, y’know, understandable. Was that change due to a fear of being voted off for inane babble, or just because you finally felt like you had something important to say?

Everyone else (and the ones I asked specifically about as well): Last week’s vote pretty much went down old tribal lines. Are those lines still as strong, or do you see places where they might be weakening?

Magnesium cartridges are not included with the kit. Ball bearings have begun to erode, and we’re all out of wine. No more heroes was something of a quirk within the system, but replicated it has value. Antagonistic parallels have been drawn in the sand, choose your side or sit down with the crab people. We’re sitting flush over here.

I’m trying this posting style mainly because I have something to say and lack the benefit of using irc to articulate my thoughts. In the old tribe, we would congregate in irc and from there everything would follow. I don’t have that luxury anymore, so I had to adapt. I may be crazy…

I suspect the tribe loyalties are the same, but that’s only due to a lack of interaction. Obviously I would like for this to change, but I haven’t been able to engage my new tribemates in any meaningful manner. I tried being silly and having some fun, but that didn’t really work out as I had hoped.


Avatar: 9972 2010-01-24 16:28:42 -0500


Level 69 Emo Kid

“The Infinite Sadness”

MC Banhammer Posted:

Everyone else (and the ones I asked specifically about as well): Last week’s vote pretty much went down old tribal lines. Are those lines still as strong, or do you see places where they might be weakening?

I don’t know what you could mean. We are one tribe now. I’m just looking forward to getting to know everyone better. A stranger is but a friend you have yet to meet. Log in to see images! plk edited this message on 04/21/2010 6:07PM


Avatar: 209389 2009-10-11 13:06:38 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Troll

Silly Puppy

MC Banhammer Posted:

man-man, you said you didn’t convert your times properly, and so didn’t show up to the challenge when you were supposed to. In previous tribal councils the non-participants were voted out. Do you think your lack of participation will hurt you like it used to, or make you seem like less of a threat and keep you safe tonight?

Same basic question to bumonz.

Same as what man-man said before when your tribe needed you for a challenge it hurt everyone. This is more based on your own abilities and it doesn’t hurt to many others then yourself. I don’ think I will be voted out tonight and without the emergency that came up yesterday I would have done my runs, also I think old tribes are still together but as spacey said not 100%. It is getting close to when it would be a free for all and even with members of your old tribe everyone wants to win and be the last survivor.

Buttonz edited this message on 04/21/2010 6:13PM

Jimmy teh Re-

Avatar: 93129 Sun Jun 07 02:47:39 -0400 2009

[Cabal Gamez]

Level 69 Re-Re

MC Banhammer Posted:

So Jimmy: You totally blew the order of the forums in the first round. Was that a strategic move to make you look weak, or are you really that much of a re-re?

IOiisejnfnhadurf durpty doo Log in to see images!

(While my son can USUALLY follow simple instructions, sometimes when you tell him to do something and give him time before he has to act, some of the instructions can get… misplaced shall we say? Combined with a rather miserable weekend and he was bound to slip up somewhere.

In the end however he had the slowest time of those who had managed to do the challenge so he would have been removed anyways. I wouldn’t however go so far as to say that he’s a re-re, so much as he’s “special” )


Avatar: 10221 2011-10-31 21:15:57 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Troll

I congratulate you in recognising my superiority and choosing me to be your love pig!

Crazy_Smurf Posted:

I’m trying this posting style mainly because I have something to say and lack the benefit of using irc to articulate my thoughts. In the old tribe, we would congregate in irc and from there everything would follow. I don’t have that luxury anymore, so I had to adapt. I may be crazy…

I suspect the tribe loyalties are the same, but that’s only due to a lack of interaction. Obviously I would like for this to change, but I haven’t been able to engage my new tribemates in any meaningful manner. I tried being silly and having some fun, but that didn’t really work out as I had hoped. #anarchy

I’d like to see you there. Besides, if you annoy me too much, I’ll just ban you.


Avatar: 217173 2009-11-18 08:46:15 -0500

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

Not much has changes since the first merged tribal. Yeah I´ve got nothing more to add to this.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

All right, time to vote. Jimmy, you’re up.

everyone votes

I’ll go tally the votes.

MC Banhammer edited this message on 04/22/2010 2:44PM

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

After I read the votes the decision will be final and the person who was voted off will be kicked out of the klan immediately. I’ll read the votes.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

First vote: space

That’s one vote for spacekadt

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!


That’s one vote spacekadt, one vote man-man

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!


That’s one vote spacekadt, one vote man-man, one vote crazy_smurf

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!


That’s one vote spacekadt, one vote man-man, one vote crazy_smurf, one vote bumonz

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Crazy Smurf

That’s one vote spacekadt, one vote man-man, two votes crazy_smurf, one vote bumonz

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Crazy Smurf

That’s one vote spacekadt, one vote man-man, three votes crazy_smurf, one vote bumonz

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