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Troll Speed Build

This build is based on the rather simple idea that Offense kills things faster and Ego means you don't need to heal as often. A swap could be made by those without a Defaced Mona Lisa boosting Douchebaggery by eliminating levels of Luck, Thrift and Upkeep. (NOTE: Though they still help with your Flezz in the long run)

Please note that the build below will be based on the condition that you had a Defaced Mona Lisa equipped.

Upgrade Points

You Little ****™ Starter Pack Level 1

T.R.O.L.L. Power Level 1

Upkeep Level 1

Thrift Shopper Level 2

Luck o' the Filthy fine upstanding member of society Level 4

Evil Level 3

Egomania Level 4

Offense Level 8

Recommended Items:

Obsolete Computer & PruneServ™

Baby Sealskin Overcoat or (for lower level forums) & Defaced Mona Lisa (for epic speed on the big boys). Or Minstrelry Sheet Music (for lower level forums) & Tumorous Kidney (for epic speed on the big boys) if you have access to Episode 2 items.

Leather Cat Mask (for running forums) & Tinted Sunglbumes (for enhancing deliveries at rollover). Or Versnatche™ Earbleeders for both running forums and enhancing deliveries, if you have access to Episode 2 items.

Fr4gGingR1teZ 2020 male reproductive organblaster™ Premier

See Also

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