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Spoilerpedia Talk

Spoilerpedia Talk

I don't know where to put this - CrinkzPipe

Is this page a good idea Binge? Y/N - Fie

Makes sense to me until we can have a proper Talk page. Good idea, Fie. — JB

Hey guys, can I join? - CP

Absolutely. Also **** you binge for being dead. - Fie

What should we talk about then? - Adapt

wiki stuff. - Fie.

Lets discuss our male reproductive organ lenghts - leetlol

Can we talk about wheels too? - Ricket

I do not think mods should get special privilege on their pages, they should be subject to arbitrary edits like every other users page. - Adapt

I do not think mods should get special privilege on their pages, they should be subject to arbitrary edits like every other users page. - MC Banhammer

I agree adapt. also wheels and male reproductive organes. - Fie

I think the wiki needs more wheels. - Fie

excellent suggestion - Adapt

You could spin wheels on ur male reproductive organes and post em up - leetololol

I have created an article for this discussion, because I think it's an important issue. - Fie

Hey guys sup? - kittiejenn

I left klan, but I plan to get back - Chile

A thing for the next page.

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