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Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Condition is the % of durability your equipment Items have. If an equipment item reaches 0% Condition during a forum pwning run, you will receive a 20% penalty to your ego until you unequip the item or have it fixed at Brucebear's repair services. If you continually enter combat without fixing items, the ego penalty increases. The first entrance gives a 20% penalty. The second gives a 40% penalty. The third gives a 60% penalty. The fourth gives an 80% penalty. All subsequent forums entered will give a 90% penalty.

Players should avoid going to Bruce-Bears under these conditions only if there is a significantly good reason (lack of flezz).

Condition levels:

Mint (perfect)
Excellent (near perfect)
Very Good (will last)
Good (fine)
Okay (okay)
Poor (fix it)
Terrible (needs repair)
Broken (Causes Ego penalty)

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