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Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Bashy is known for his prominent dominance in ForumBuildr. He is soon to begin digging into the wood at the bottom of the barrel after long scraping it with his sausagesque fingers. Bashy is responsible for creating the following 32 forums:

Bashy was one of three people chosen as a Forumwarz Apprentice, and thus played a major role in producing Episode 3. All related hate mail should go directly to him.

Bashy occasionally tries to play Domination, but fails miserably due to a lack of being able to tie his ****ing shoes. His trademark is to put forth a great effort to have a great advantage in the final moments of a round, only to suffer mbumive self-imposed failures in the last seconds via such varied ****ups as:

  • forgetting what time/day/year it is
  • choking on his own tongue
  • forgetting that self-actualizing victory is not actually possible outside of such books as "The Secret"

According to various sources, Bashy:

  • Enjoys sausage.
  • Loves Ricket, sexually.
  • Apparently hates fetuses.
  • Does not know how to use internet forums.
  • Was notoriously e-famous in Kingdom of Loathing.

In summary, Bashy is a strange, curious character in the way that a leprous baby hamster is.

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