Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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"The Miracle"

This player pwned 96 different forums in a row.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
zer0_clu3 69 WeChall
Zero Tachikoma 52 PR0N
Zero-Cool 69 Island of Avalon
Zeta 51 Forumwarz Speakeasy
Zhou Yu 35 -
Zinglon 40 Rowdyruff Boys
Zoden 63 -
ZOMGBat 20 -
Zumosmorph 61 WeChall is a shitty klan
zvans18 69 WeChall
zwee 69 -
Zynthia 69 Ding-Dong
Zzyw 35 Consentual Sex
_Hawk_ 35 Downlords
____ 35 -

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