Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.
You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.
This player beat The Great Firewall of China before Episode 2 launched.
The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name | Level | Klan |
bumhurt | 69 | The British Gentlemen Society |
Call Me Diego | 69 | Good Omens |
Candy Corn | 35 | And The Banned Played On |
Cannabis_clock | 35 | The rage against Cannabis-Clock |
Captain Hammer | 69 | Klan Apathy |
CarlieGotfingere... | 39 | - |
Carrot_Smasher | 35 | the one-man clan |
Catt although | 69 | Brainfreeze |
CHALKONEUPTODALO... | 10 | Harem and Sushi Bar |
Change | 22 | - |
chaos_45 | 28 | - |
cheese man | 59 | Forumwarz Active Players |
ChibiHermione | 35 | - |
ChildBandit00 | 69 | - |
child_snake | 50 | Brainfreeze |
chocolaterain | 35 | - |
Chrissy18FHansen... | 10 | No Homo |
Claire_Bear | 35 | - |
Claus | 23 | Brainfreeze |
CoreyJess | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Courtney | 35 | Board of Directors |
crayoncakes | 31 | Team Shortbus |
CreepPipe | 69 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |
CrenshawX | 10 | - |
crotchbiter_the_... | 22 | - |