Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Medal Winner

This player won a medal in Forumwarz Domination.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
tUb_fOrEVeR 67 -
TuckFard 2 -
Tucson_Lepht 69 -
Tuesday 22 -
Tuggernongy 8 -
tuggles 33 -
tugs 25 -
tuhis 15 -
TuKeZu 7 -
Tummy Mbumager 15 -
Tunasnatch 13 -
tundraazul 17 -
tungsten ****es... 6 -
Tunks 2 -
tunning675 16 Amazing Web Fuckers
Tuntenut 57 -
tunx 21 -
tuobniklat 12 -
TuoPak 19 -
Turanga Leela 10 Futurama
Turb0dw33b 10 -
tUrB0_gEn1tAl1a 47 Rowdyruff Boys
turbo-cake 35 Fetal Alcohol Puppets
Turbo-Teen-151 10 -

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