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the abyss

This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

”The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.” – Nietzsche

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klan for d&d players. free Log in to see images!+1 of troll slaying for all who sign up.


Klan E-Peen™


That’s In-Cred-Ible!

This Klan topped the Most Cred Leaderboard.



This Klan topped the Most Flezz Leaderboard.



This Klan topped the Most Forums Pwned Leaderboard.

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image bumhat DJ Ostego Troll 10 199822
Image Cammy McCamwhore... DJ Vrock Camwhore 10 63308
Image Dinictus DJ Kelvezu Emo Kid 22 2745760
Image eponymous_ennui DJ Tanar'ri Emo Kid 10 692348
Image Estel d6 hd lol Emo Kid 10 282456
Image genericangstypos... DJ Hamatula Troll 9 48399
Image Jigglyw00tah DJ Ankashar Camwhore 5 3660
Image kinky_gerl87 DJ Loumara Camwhore 10 292164
Image Lesprit Descalie... DJ Graz'ztie Camwhore 10 167413
Image Night Gaunt DJ Marilith Emo Kid 10 159875
Image Sabre_Justice DJ Bulezau Troll 10 76824
Image Village bicycle DJ Zovvut Camwhore 6 6507
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