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This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image AngryWhopper Hacker 69 950000000
Image Derpy Hooves INCIT BeanMUFFINS Re-Re 8 25988
Image DG-Root INCIT Bean Counter Hacker 40 244673853
Image DrSte INCIT Beanstalk Collector Troll 16 453780
Image Ian Essko INCIT Bean Bag Chair Camwhore 6 8426
Image JaqRov Hacker 24 4364161
Image lizard_homeboy INCIT Bean Feng Shui Master Hacker 18 697093
Image Raining123 INCIT Beaner Camwhore 16 400010
Image Serious F Doomgu... INCIT Bean Destroyer Hacker 12 109563
Image Trimputes INCIT Bean Gravy Train Emo Kid 24 4145208
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