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This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

We are a clan devoted to one thing and one thing only.

Cuneiform. This is the ONLY cuneiform klan available. So if you like cuneiform, you are legally obligated to join here. NOW.

Also, if you don’t like cuneiform, you must join it, because it is the only place to discuss your distaste for it.

Finally, if you don’t know what cuneiform is, you need to join, so you can learn!

Klan E-Peen™


Lowest Standards

This Klan topped the Largest Klans Leaderboard.

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image Alanah Blargh Emo Kid 7 14812
Image Articulate_Eyeba... Supreme_Overlord Hacker 61 759785616
Image Barairn Some dude Hacker 7 12583
Image fabulous personuvdoom Troll 42 287197521
Image I_Cut_Myself She's_sad_That_she's_flying Emo Kid 32 53520327
Image JustCantHackit Hacker 11 97430
Image PubeyWubey Camwhore 7 21617
Image Spadinnerfabulous person Troll 14 225873
Image The Foolish One The Refined Gentleman Troll 10 68618
Image TheBlessedMartyr... Emo Kid 12 119211
Image Used_Panties Camwhore 27 12102719
Image xXnaturalmilfXx Sexy biotch Camwhore 16 400961
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