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Avatar: 58104 2015-06-13 23:16:37 -0400

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 48 Camwhore

Celerysteve is better than me in everyway imaginable

I really can’t top last year’s posts, so.

Adapt Posted:

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                                    This is the part where Single Tingle turns into Double Trouble and ends up in

If you don’t fall for the joke, you get to be in on it.

Patently Chi-
ll Prestidig-

Avatar: 128746 2011-10-09 04:24:59 -0400

[love is a dog from-

Level 69 Troll

Celerysteve is incredible... he is just so... so incredible.

oh yeah i forgot its valentines

Joseph of Suburbia Posted:

im about to do a fuknig pirouette off the handle numpnuts if you dont find this completely hilarious i guess you are just completely dumb geez dont you get this is the funniest stuff ever

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Avatar: 88331 2015-08-08 07:14:08 -0400

[A Beautiful Place -
Out in the Country

Level 34 Emo Kid

See avatar for why Duca is fat and single

more sad than surly

sdgrbbum09 Posted:

In before bob posts his hairy man-titties

Patently Chi-
ll Prestidig-

Avatar: 128746 2011-10-09 04:24:59 -0400

[love is a dog from-

Level 69 Troll

Celerysteve is incredible... he is just so... so incredible.

yeah if I weren’t do lazy I would post a venn diagram with 2 circles one of which says people who care about valentines, the other people who can’t get a date and the intersection would be forumwarz and you know. like rapists or something

Patently Chill Prestidigitator edited this message on 02/14/2011 2:21PM

Joseph of Suburbia Posted:

im about to do a fuknig pirouette off the handle numpnuts if you dont find this completely hilarious i guess you are just completely dumb geez dont you get this is the funniest stuff ever

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nced Individ-

Avatar: 174541 2012-01-02 15:34:06 -0500

[enjoy GANG]

Level 35 Troll

If I can write this, my whole life has been wasted. I'm worthless and awful.

and then vanilla ice off to the side lmao

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Patently Chi-
ll Prestidig-

Avatar: 128746 2011-10-09 04:24:59 -0400

[love is a dog from-

Level 69 Troll

Celerysteve is incredible... he is just so... so incredible.

Lee_Harvey_Oswald Posted:

and then vanilla ice off to the side lmao

this guy, he gets it

Joseph of Suburbia Posted:

im about to do a fuknig pirouette off the handle numpnuts if you dont find this completely hilarious i guess you are just completely dumb geez dont you get this is the funniest stuff ever

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Avatar: 18080 2011-11-01 00:29:42 -0400

[Backdoor Amigos]

Level 35 Emo Kid

So damn naughty it wraps back around to nice.

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View/click my draginz please

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