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Business blackjack-o-matic


Avatar: 88117 Sat Feb 07 19:37:29 -0500 2009

[Board of Directors]

Level 43 Camwhore

Serious future peenwhore. XO!

I have made a script that will play blackjack for you. It does not work perfectly quite yet, but i’m letting you guys at it. Settings are changed by editing it. It may or may not be a bannable offense to use it for getting antifreeze, so use at yout own risk. And dont blame me if it eats all your flezz.

NOTE: this script is for educational purposes only! (at least till i make the effort of getting proper approval)

You need firefox w/ greasemonkey to use it. Ask google if you don’t know what those are.

Once you have it installed, the script should automaticaly start playing whenever you talk to gamblebot. It will only play once per page load, so if it breaks, you need to refresh the page before you can use it again.

The default settings are to bet 1 flezz and play until it has won 10 times, and to stop playing if your flezz drops below 10,000. All of these can be easily changed by editing the code, and are sectioned off so it shouldnt be lt.too difficult.

At this time this script is in very early stages of development, so don’t blame me if it doesnt work right. Currently the only bug i know of is that is hangs randomly, but there may be more. You have been warned.

UPDATE: most of the hang bugs have been fixed, and it plays better too! download now! -12/8/08

Neona edited this message on 12/08/2008 7:36PM

Patch The Da-

Avatar: 57089 Sat Jan 10 17:36:45 -0500 2009

Level 23 Emo Kid

In a sad way Raepdog misses you... Oh gay friend.. oh I love the gays..

Neona Posted:

I have made a script that will play blackjack for you. It does not work perfectly quite yet, but i’m letting you guys at it. Settings are changed by editing it. It may or may not be a bannable offense to use it for getting antifreeze, so use at yout own risk. And dont blame me if it eats all you flezz. I’ll update this will a better explination later, when it works perfectly.

Oh ****, I thought you were kidding about making this thing. Guess not.


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh




That is ****ing awesome.

Here, have a BP.


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

Small problem, it keeps getting stuck, sometimes before even playing the first move. Hm…?


Avatar: 15443 2010-04-04 18:27:25 -0400


Level 35 Troll

Sneakily vicious and filled with virtuous pit bulls.

Oh well, there goes the neighbourhood. For something like this, you would have been far better to run it by ET before posting publicly. Not doing so was quite the male reproductive organ move.

Automating parts of the interface may remove tedium, but it’s a short step away from automating the entire game, at which point, there is no point playing.

meeeeeeeeee edited this message on 02/08/2009 9:23PM


Avatar: 88117 Sat Feb 07 19:37:29 -0500 2009

[Board of Directors]

Level 43 Camwhore

Serious future peenwhore. XO!

that’s most of the “not perfect”. i’m working on figuring out why it does that. anyone with javescript knowledge is welcome to help with it, since i can’t find any pattern with it failing. :E


Avatar: 60995 Fri Apr 03 12:59:05 -0400 2009

[Shii is gay]

Level 35 Troll

also wow i have no male reproductive organ

This is like some crappy science fiction story. Bots slowly taking over until there’s nothing left for us.

how good is it at playing?


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

meeeeeeeeee Posted:

For something like this, you would have been far better to run it by ET before posting publicly.

I thought Evil Trout was dead… I’m starting to play the game like “well, all these bugs are just here now… now that there’s nobody to fix them, no use complaining”. =\

You know how long it’s been since I actually even thought of using the “Report a Bug” link?


Avatar: 88117 Sat Feb 07 19:37:29 -0500 2009

[Board of Directors]

Level 43 Camwhore

Serious future peenwhore. XO!

In response to the qestion on how well it plays:

bumuming it works correctly (i’m pretty sure it plays correctly, just hangs sometimes is all), the bot plays blackjack according to the tables in the wiki ( ), and hence should have best possible win rate


Avatar: 3450 2011-07-31 00:45:06 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 37 Troll


It’s not even starting to play for me Log in to see images!

It never gets past the game selection.

I just want to see it work.

Very interesting that you did this, though. Mbumive congratulations!

TUBSWEETIE edited this message on 12/08/2008 12:07AM


Avatar: 3450 2011-07-31 00:45:06 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 37 Troll


Neona Posted:

In response to the qestion on how well it plays:

bumuming it works correctly (i’m pretty sure it plays correctly, just hangs sometimes is all), the bot plays blackjack according to the tables in the wiki ( ), and hence should have best possible win rate

The tables at used to be better apparently. Might want to look into that if you continue this project.


Avatar: 88117 Sat Feb 07 19:37:29 -0500 2009

[Board of Directors]

Level 43 Camwhore

Serious future peenwhore. XO!

wow, those look to be the actual ideal probability tables. I may look into implementing that eventually, but that’s a long way off. That is a LOT of data there @_@

either way, it should play pretty well right now, certainly tolerably i hope


Avatar: 79911 Sat Nov 15 22:45:44 -0500 2008

Level 25 Emo Kid

Posting from inside JB's bumhole

Neona Posted:

I have made a script that will play blackjack for you. It does not work perfectly quite yet, but i’m letting you guys at it. Settings are changed by editing it. It may or may not be a bannable offense to use it for getting antifreeze, so use at yout own risk. And dont blame me if it eats all your flezz.

NOTE: this script is for educational purposes only! (at least till i make the effort of getting proper approval)

You need firefox w/ greasemonkey to use it. Ask google if you don’t know what those are.

Once you have it installed, the script should automaticaly start playing whenever you talk to gamblebot. It will only play once per page load, so if it breaks, you need to refresh the page before you can use it again.

The default settings are to bet 1 flezz and play until it has won 5 times, and to stop playing if your flezz drops below 30,000. All of these can be easily changed by editing the code, and are sectioned off so it shouldnt be lt.too difficult.

At this time this script is in very early stages of development, so don’t blame me if it doesnt work right. Currently the only bug i know of is that is hangs randomly, but there may be more. You have been warned.

How do I install this? There’s no install bumon Log in to see images!


Avatar: 58104 2015-06-13 23:16:37 -0400

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 48 Camwhore

Celerysteve is better than me in everyway imaginable

It keeps hitting when I have a hand of like 20 verses gamble-bot’s 4 or something, not exactly optimal play

Fear Is For -
The Weak

Avatar: Chugging Beer

Level 16 Troll

“Inflammatory Agent ”

shrtcat Posted:

How do I install this? There’s no install bumon Log in to see images!


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

It seems to have spat 2 errors into the Firefox console when it crashed on the first hand display:

Error: command is null

Source File:

Line: 1566

Error: items[pos] is undefined

Source File: file:///C:/Users/Falcon/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/..../greasemonkey.js

Line: 474

The next time it crashed though, it didn’t give any errors. Log in to see images!


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

shrtcat Posted:

How do I install this? There’s no install bumon Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!


Avatar: 79911 Sat Nov 15 22:45:44 -0500 2008

Level 25 Emo Kid

Posting from inside JB's bumhole

FalconFour Posted:

Log in to see images!

I dodn’t have that for some reason… Log in to see images! shrtcat edited this message on 12/08/2008 12:26AM


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

Click Install.

Window pops up saying “hay ur installing an uzerskript, plz wait 3 seconds to b shue u wer paying attneshun”.

You install.

You open sTalk with gamble bot.

Game plays itself.


Avatar: 88117 Sat Feb 07 19:37:29 -0500 2009

[Board of Directors]

Level 43 Camwhore

Serious future peenwhore. XO!

I should note that due to investigating the random hang problem, i havent really looked that hard to see if it is playing how it’s supposed to. But at least i may be able to fix that more readily than the hang. So i’ll see what I can do.

Once it’s installed, just go talk to gamblebot. if it’s working, the script should take over from there.

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