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Florence Cur-

Avatar: 267890 2013-08-25 15:06:49 -0400


Level 21 Camwhore


Gnck! Pshaw…w-well, at least I like, have people who totally care enough to spend BP on me, like, I bet the only person you come home to at night is Kaoru-chan the Inflatable Love Pillow?!? This is like, totally how your everyday life is like, I think:

You: “Kaoru-chaaaaan, I’m home!”

Kaoru-chan the Inflatable Love Pillow: ”...”

You: “Did you cook my dinner, wash my laundry and doll yourself up, like any devoted wife would do?”

Kaoru-chan the Inflatable Love Pillow: ”...”

You: “Do you love me?”

Kaoru-chan the Inflatable Love Pillow: ”...”

You: “Am I a good lover?”

Kaoru-chan the Inflatable Love Pillow: ”...”

You: *sigh* “You’re the only special person and friend in my life, Kaoru-chaaaan!~”

Kaoru-chan the Inflatable Love Pillow: ”...”

BOOM, ****! You just got served!

Florence Curious edited this message on 08/25/2013 9:36PM

Currently saving up for: Nothing! ^^

Wishlist: Cement High Heels

Broken Forums: The Matrixed

Thank you, the person who gave me 90BPs (anonymity guaranteed) and to scully, who put a hell of a lot of Earbleeders in Kyoubai! Hugs and kisses to you both! Log in to see images!

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