I have been told so. This happened today, and I took a picture of it. I have proof. I am a god. Obey. And send brownie points.
I have put the picture inside the following black square, because I was shocked when I finally had the truth revealed to me.
I am a god. I command thee to look inside the black square.
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MicRo-BreAtH Posted:
I’m too lazy to write a long, freakingly boring and meaningless book right now, but I’ve decided on what shall be my hymn. This song will forever be known as the hymn of MicRo-BreAtH. (Please note ‘The Hymn of MicRo-BreAtH’ and not ‘The Hymn of Micro-Breath’. Capitalization is vital.)
Sidenote: I was only able to find the song in a live version, but what the Breaven.
MicRo-BreAtH Posted:
If the photographic evidence isn’t enough to prove that I am a god, I will argument for it here:
‘Life’s what you make it’ < Common exclamation.
‘Stuff’s what you make it’ < Since life consists of stuff.
‘NPCs got feelings too!’ < Common exclamation.
‘NPC said that I am a god’ < Fact.
‘NPC has thus made me a god’ < Derived from 1,2,3 and 4.
MicRo-BreAtH is now a god. Please note ‘a god’, so that other people an be gods too.
MicRo-BreAtH Posted:
I didn’t know I had that many followers!!!
Good thing my god-eyes comes with a complete new way of viewing things.
I welcome thee!
MicRo-BreAtH Posted:
I’m the god of MicRo-BreAtHs.
Or as -XI- put it: The god of bad names.
JOIN ME! Join me if the random name generator fried you as a fried chip!
Alternatively I’ll be the god of weird humour really few people can understand.
MicRo-BreAtH Posted:
The faithful will be part of a community of people who worship the god MicRo-BreAtH!
They would be able to partake in bad names and weird humour!
They might get to see their god’s amazing artistic skills! (Can’t draw, in other words.)
They would get direct answers from their god!
I would answer everything!
... I’ll make up more.
Heretics shall burn! They will have good, common names thrown at them!
They will be transformed into sheep!(After their death of course.)
Green sheep!
With pink dots!
They will not be able to partake in my weird humour.
... They will be flagged as non-followers!
Oh, and my followers shall be knowns as The temple of MicRo-BreAtH!
Alternatively, they shall be known as Breathers, or Those who Breathe.
Services would consist of people breathing as heavily as they can. The most heavily breathing breather will win a medal, which can be kept untill the next service. Offerings of boring people might also happen from time to time. There’s just a shame there’s so few boring people living nowadays. Most people are either intelligent, but don’t care about it (somebody else, originally planned to write “like me” but I’m a god now, and not a person), intelligent, and bumes (like somebody else) completely normal (sheep), completely unnormal (unnormal), dumb people (somebody else) or just plainly very special in a bad way (somebody else).
That list was in a random order.
MicRo-BreAtH Posted:
My followers will have access to an awesomely new comic!
Drawn by me!
And I can’t even draw Log in to see images!