Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Best Player Ever

Simply put, this player is better than you. They’ve worked harder and produced superior results. You should bow down before them in your mediocrity.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
0rb 1 -
0uroboros 11 -
0utl4w 21 -
0x1a4 35 -
1-800-HelpPlz 32 -
1006945 4 -
1010011001100 10 -
1011010011 11 -
101998 9 -
10V3D13SS 23 -
13 Bloody Tearz 29 H-Gamers
13-year-old grrl... 23 -
1337 50u1-514y3r... 11 -
1337 haxor No1 35 -
1337f0x 2 -
1337h4x0rd00d 26 -
1337haxx0rz 33 -
1337pwnage 19 -
1337x9000 12 -
1337xxxxxxxxxlol... 69 The Airship
1337zor 20 -
14andsingle 15 -
15th 35 Big Bag Belligerents
1999 35 -

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