Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Sweet Sixteen

This player pwned 16 different forums in a row.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
12rjk18 17 Anonymous Is Legion
13 Bloody Tearz 29 H-Gamers
1337 haxor No1 35 -
1337-001-1337 35 -
13375p33dh4x 20 noobs-r-us
1337derp 61 -
1337h4x0rz 15 -
1337hax0rxxx 25 -
1337ineer 17 -
1337M4N 13 -
1337ninja 34 -
1337P373 17 -
1337pwn------- 11 -
1337zor 20 -
1338h4x 35 Crotch Zombie
13ThirtySeven 13 -
15th 35 Big Bag Belligerents
1999 35 -
19hunter91 23 -
1benthon 14 Pythonic Alliance
1Girl2Cups 34 -
1imp-g33k-8 33 -
1ncr345In6ly irr... 69 Brainfreeze
1ne 35 -
1Ord-P3ck3r 10 -

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