Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.
You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

This player topped the Most Forums Pwned Leaderboard.
The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name | Level | Klan |
Catt although | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Chaos Flash | 33 | Team Astra |
Cheburashka | 69 | Ding-Dong |
Chuck Diesel | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Conan O Homem Ra... | 31 | WeChall is a shitty klan |
CrimsonHood | 36 | - |
CrinkzPipe | 62 | Harem and Sushi Bar |
Cubear | 10 | Team AWESOME |
DandyDan | 69 | The Scrotal Safety Commission |
dark-chaos | 69 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |
dasniper | 68 | - |
David Banner | 69 | Island of Avalon |
DEAD fabulous person | 35 | Vacation Hideaway |
Dean Venture | 69 | The Scrotal Safety Commission |
deathpaint | 35 | The Scrotal Safety Commission |
Deppo | 69 | Ding-Dong |
Dervius | 69 | - |
Dielenol | 69 | Rowdyruff Boys |
Dine_Alone | 69 | - |
DJStorm | 35 | BlankTH is pretty fucking awesome |
Doctor O | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Dorelia | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Dorian Blue | 69 | Good Omens |
Dr Lloyd Berkner... | 69 | Majestic 12 |
Dr Vannevar Bush... | 69 | Majestic 12 |