Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Can't Hardly Wait

This player pre-ordered access to Forumwarz Episode 3.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
Adapt 48 Grey Goose Mafiosi
Advocato 69 -
Aetheriel 64 -
Afterthotz 69 Brainfreeze
Agitated Game Ne... 19 -
AHHZ 2 The Airship
AIDS woman's genitals 69 -
aksealman 43 -
Aldo_Anything 69 Brainfreeze
Alicia 28 -
AlleyAnimal 69 Ding-Dong
Altanis 42 -
AltAnon 1 -
altLokiA2C5A 35 -
Altone 20 Harem and Sushi Bar
Alttwo 17 Brainfreeze
Alucard Hojo 16 -
Alvis 27 -
AmAnteater 26 -
Amasius 69 Brainfreeze
Amelinda 29 -
An amiable perso... 35 -
Anansi 69 Arsenal of Ninjacracy
Andrew Jackson 1 Dead Presidents Society
Angelina Jawhole... 21 -

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