Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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The Terrible Twos

This player celebrated the two-year anniversary of Forumwarz (by bumping a thread).

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
dark-chaos 69 Grey Goose Mafiosi
DEAD fabulous person 35 Vacation Hideaway
deathpaint 35 The Scrotal Safety Commission
Deejay-great times 69 7 VIBRATING DOLDOES
DerKaiserReich 31 Temple of the Anthropomorphic Majesty
male reproductive organFACEPANTS 65 7 VIBRATING DOLDOES
dobnits 69 The Scrotal Safety Commission
DOPE-HARDCORE-0 37 Team Shortbus
Drakodan 69 Brainfreeze
duca 38 And The Banned Played On
Dunatis 69 Cabal Gamez
Dysnomia 69 -
Edwahd 54 b-tarded
ElGrande 32 -
Else 35 -
Elstar 35 WeChall
EVIL TROUT IS A ... 15 -
EvilHom3r 28 -
Exogon 69 Brainfreeze
FAIL 25 Full of SASSSS
Fancy 21 -
fat 13 -
Fiasco 69 Flogging a Dead Horse
Fie 47 And The Banned Played On
Firch11 17 -

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