Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Assisted Suicide

The Noose and Razor Society is officially this player’s bitch.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
Agatio 42 WeChall is a shitty klan
Agduk 45 -
Aggrojag 36 -
AhLuvzWodka 29 The Original Queeries
ai45 46 -
AIDS woman's genitals 69 -
AIDZ 41 n00bs
Aikira77 37 -
Airhole 69 -
Akka Nomeru 69 WeChall is a shitty klan
AKN42 30 Screw Being Social Im My Own Klan
Akuma696 31 -
Al Kahn 69 4Kids Entertainment
Alaras 69 -
Alarion Irisar 35 -
Albertus 69 -
AlDente 42 WeChall is a shitty klan
Aldo_Anything 69 Brainfreeze
Alex Lapin 34 -
Alex M 29 Varla
Aline 26 -
Alkaid 60 -
All Night Diner 35 -
Allanon Tamarash... 61 -
AlleyAnimal 69 Ding-Dong

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