Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Leaderboard results are only updated once every 24 hours.

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Show: All | Camwhores | Emo Kids | Hackers | Trolls | Permanoobs
Rank Name Unique Customers
163 Dr Girlfriend 21
177 Worale 20
177 MsNietzsche 20
177 Feck 20
177 PrickPrick 20
177 Delenas 20
177 Synema 20
177 Wetworx 20
177 uFoToFu 20
177 bananageddon 20
177 linpawpaw 20
177 KinkyKinkajou 20
188 XP 19
188 Tempus****it 19
188 BIK3R_DR4GON 19
188 Rawra89 19
188 Cojou 19
188 Yogi-Sad 19
188 Sexy Beast 19
188 PrincessPeach330... 19
188 jeniffer 19
188 xoxoGurlxoxo 19
188 The Great Xenu 19
199 gangals 18
199 male reproductive organ_bot_791 18

The player who tops this leaderboard is awarded the following E-Peen™:

Gavel Time!


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