Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Leaderboard results are only updated once every 24 hours.

Best Auctioneer

Show: All | Camwhores | Emo Kids | Hackers | Trolls | Permanoobs
Rank Name Unique Customers
1003 ItsMeJesus 1
1003 emofabulous person 1
1003 british-nasty 1
1003 femdog 1
1003 Insertloserhere 1
1003 Fiendish_Jello_P... 1
1003 azzrules27 1
1003 imperiolism 1
1003 Oceanheart 1
1003 daspoot 1
1003 Noobson 1
1003 DeathTheKid-Soul... 1
1003 Rawrmagus 1
1003 daflamingcarrot 1
1003 ThisGu 1
1003 feifeiduck 1
1003 The Name That Wa... 1
1003 SDecadence 1
1003 sad_emo_kid 1
1003 mille 1
1003 ta1nted 1
1003 Starbelly 1
1003 Tbumemet 1
1003 CloudJax 1
1003 Bellamy 5 Worlds... 1

The player who tops this leaderboard is awarded the following E-Peen™:

Gavel Time!


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