Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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Leaderboard results are only updated once every 24 hours.

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Show: All | Camwhores | Emo Kids | Hackers | Trolls | Permanoobs
Rank Name Unique Customers
243 Yankee_Jerker 15
243 _Valeria_ 15
243 male reproductive organsmith 15
243 male reproductive organworkOrange 15
243 BasilKairos 15
243 gimpp 15
243 S4brina 15
243 Logi 15
243 Megan McFeely 15
243 PikaJewSpammer 15
243 AndyZCamwhore 15
243 Inanimate Carbon... 15
263 lizztrinity 14
263 Eviscerator 14
263 Pufferfish 14
263 HAcoreRD 14
263 Galford 14
263 o0-M00N_KriK37-0... 14
263 Sexy_Grl_69 14
263 ninja_pedophile 14
263 teslagirl 14
263 RedAlibi 14
263 Shifuu 14
263 Pools 14
263 gl08r 14

The player who tops this leaderboard is awarded the following E-Peen™:

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