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You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
You: hiiiii
Stranger: i’m hillary
Stranger: an you?
You: hillary clinton?
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: maybe
You: hey can you get my brother out of jail?
You: he’s in there for some small stuff nothing bad
Stranger: from?
You: compton
You: i come from the streets
You: and you?
Stranger: I;m Brazil
Stranger: HAHAHA
Stranger: my name not hillary
Stranger: is Marina
You: do you happen to play a game called forumwarz?
Stranger: not
You: are you hillary clinton?
Stranger: not
You: cause i really need my brother out of jail
You: are you barack obama?
Stranger: I am Marina, Brazilian and very communicative
You: he’d understand cause my brother’s black and it’s racist that he’s in jail
Stranger: as you are physically???
You: hey don’t get physical with me. i know some guys who’ll mess you up
You: i know the brazil mob so you better watch out
Stranger: I´m black..
Stranger: to
Stranger: too
You: then you understand me, rite?
Stranger: yes
You: we gotta stick together, u no?
You: so u know liek politics and stuff?
You: yo dawg you still with me?
You: don’t be giving up on a brother like that
Stranger: our black and I’m not in jail, study architecture, is a question to get along in life
You: hey man that’s cool i’m a doctor
Stranger: begin studying pretty well, and then do a course in law and take your brother from prison
Stranger: is easier
You: naw, i wrote to barack and once he gets back to me then my brother will get out of prison
Stranger: being black is not a problem here being black here in this fashion
You: well, it’s not a problem for me because i’m not black
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: coollllllll
You: i hate all blacks
Stranger: but his brother will be black?
You: i hate him but i have to get him out of prison because he has the map to the treasure
Stranger: that hate the blacks that they did you?
You: english, do you speak it?
Stranger: take this hatred in your heart
You: yes? how do i get rid of my hatred?
Stranger: our you are crazy … is talking nonsense about treasure!
You: it’s the lost treasure of africa
You: only my brother knows where it is because the map it tattooed on his back
Stranger: you get enough of your hate, take a black! hahaha simple
You: i already have enough blacks, i don’t need anymore
Stranger: ta much watching prison break
You: so can i count you in for breaking out my brother?
Stranger: I say one thing .. my best sex was with a black, white lied to you I thought that lying to you, you could get rid of prejudice!
You: are you hitting on me?
Stranger: because I battery in you?
Stranger: you I did anything bad to
Your conversational partner has disconnected.