Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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The Outpost of Tyranny

This player completed Forumwarz Episode 1.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
0megapr0ject 9 -
0ne Mi110n v4g1n... 62 -
0nimaru 10 -
0p3r471v3 14 -
0ptimus Prime 19 OBEY THE AUTOBOTS
0r4m1sonorott0 10 Shhh
0rchid 9 -
0riginalSin 18 -
0rs0n 11 -
0sheogorath0 16 Anonymous Legion
0sn 10 -
0uroboros 11 -
0utl4w 21 -
0utlaw 13 -
0v3r l0rd 9 -
0V3R9OOO 10 -
0ver 9000 11 -
0verdrive 10 -
0verlord 11 -
0wn4g3 10 -
0x1a4 35 -
1--LOLRUS--1 10 -
1-800-HelpPlz 32 -
1000words 10 -

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