Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Late Yak Sectarian

This player became a member of The Sect of the Late Yak.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
1337h4cKPWN 2 -
1337h4ckz0rz 2 -
1337h4x0rd00d 26 -
1337H4X0RR4G3 11 Tender Flanks
1337h4x0rz 15 -
1337h4x0rz4tw 2 -
1337H4XX0R11111 4 -
1337h4xx0rz 16 -
1337Hack0r 10 -
1337hackzor 14 -
1337haX0rs 2 -
1337hax0rxxx 25 -
1337HAXER 3 -
1337haxor 2 -
1337HAXX0R 9 -
1337haxx0rz 33 -
1337HAXXOR 3 -
1337haxxorr 2 -
1337ineer 17 -
1337izint3hh0uz 2 -
1337k1ng 3 -
1337l30y 25 -
1337M4N 13 -
1337MU7H4FUK1NH4... 7 -
1337n1663r 19 -

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