The Official Episode 3 Cost Poll

As many of you know, we are wrapping up development on Forumwarz Episode 3. We have a good idea of what we think a fair price for the episode is, but we also thought it would be valuable to ask our players what price they think is fair.

Here are some statistics about Episode 3's content to help you make an informed decision. Note: Some of these numbers include side missions that were released closest to that particular episode.

Statistic Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Forums 11 24 34
Missions 15 21 47
NPC Conversations 20 28 52
Game Items 80 407 453
Moar Files 70** 187 317
Stores 11 8 12
New Player Levels* 10 25 34
Abilities* 33 34 66
Cinematics 18 18 29

* Available to all users regardless of whether they purchase anything.
** Added retroactively when Episode 2 launched.

How much do you think is fair to charge for Episode 3?

We've created an offsite poll that uses the Schulze Method of tabulating data. What this means is that you have to order your choices from most preferred price to least preferred.

Please only vote once per account (not per alt!)

Place your Vote Here!
