About Forumwarz Community Ads

Forumwarz Community Ads are text-based advertisements purchased by our community, and are meant to highlight community and/or player efforts.

They are available at a much cheaper rate than traditional advertisements, because we think supporting our community is worth a lot more than external advertising campaigns.

Some ideas for ads might be:

  • Advertising your personal website or business
  • Directing users to an interesting site, news item or web profile
  • Letting people know about your new Klan
  • Advertising a Flamebate thread, such as a contest, gimmick, etc.
  • Poking fun at other players or admins
  • Bringing attention to winners in the Hall of Shit
  • Showing off your Leaderboard status

Submission Guidelines

All ads must go through an approval process. We'll try to be liberal with our approvals, but there are some things we won't allow. For example:

  • Exploits: Anything that harms the functionality of the site in any way, or fools users into performing site operations against their will.
  • Poorly formatted ads: If your ad looks like shit, we're not going to throw it all over our site and make it look shittier.
  • NSFW stuff without warnings: It's okay to link to a photo of boobies, but the ad has to be clearly marked as such.
  • Racism and hate: Since these ads are displayed on some public pages, we don't want search engines thinking we're part of the KKK.

Tracking and Viewing Community Ads

We provide tracking of impressions and click-throughs for all purchased ads. If you have purchased an ad, visit your ad stats page for details.

If you want to view all the ads we're running now, visit the ad list page.

Disabling/Enabling Community Ads

You can disable community ads by purchasing our "No Ads" option on the Support Us tab.

If you have already purchased "No Ads," but would like to see community ads anyway, you can re-enable them under your settings. If you re-enable them, you will still not see ads from any external sources.